im so bitter and dont even realize that. so afraid of getting in alone. (alone is not a bad thing. alone is good, we dont have the faintest idea of how fab it is to be alone, aone means free, alone is the movie, i=u are be more influenced by bein alone, ur smarter when u r alone, by ur self is not something to be ashamed of, being lone makes u great.
Professor最后回来的时候我还用力憋着说不哭不哭一定不要哭结果说要一切重来的时候一下就不行了TTATT前两季的时候还一直抱怨说编剧没有灵气播五月色五开开心五月现在回头看简直啪啪啪啪啪【Adios my friends, adios you.